Emergency Services Trailer
Our communications trailer is a purposed Hurricane Katrina FEMA trailer. The trailer has the current capabilities
Amateur Radio Bands
Amateur Radio Bands
VHF / UHF dual band radio
HF Kenwood DSP 480
Winlink connected
PSK31 as well as other digital modes
Portable 70cm repeater
Other Capaiblities
Other Capaiblities
AM/FM public radio receive
Trunk 800mhz Radio connected to the County EOC
Scanner capable of listening to all county wide emergency communications, aircraft, public utilities and more
Generator and Backup battery
Future additions
Future additions
Marine band radio (Emergency use only)
Aircraft radio (Emergency use only)
Railroad and Gas company radio (Emergency use only)
Easy to raise GAP antenna
Multiple VHF / UHF Antennas
Hi-Q HF antenna
3 Mast Mount Points
Multiple NMO Mounts for various antennas (Easy swap)