Fort Armstrong Wireless Association

Established April 1980

Form to Report Western PA Severe Weather / ICE Conditions  

    Here are other ways to report regional severe weather     

  CLUB Google Calendar LINK

We wish to thank Capitol Area Communications for providing tower service.

We also thank Armstrong Group for the donation of UHF equipment.

Next club meeting 

Will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday August 28, 2024 at the ODC 

Schedule of Upcoming Events

Club Breakfast every second Saturday of the month at the CADET Restaurant at 9AM.  (next one is 08.10.2024)

Corn Roast at the ODC

8.18.2024 2pm to 5 pm

License Testing Session

ACCL, 10.12.2024

Parks On the Air is an enjoyable way to work HF for everyone for information and spots

Antenna Moving Party September 2020

Regular Nets

Western Pennsylvania Phone Traffic Net (NTS)

daily at 5:30pm local time on 3.918khz.

Pennsylvania CW Traffic Net (NTS)

daily at 7:00pm local time on 3.585khz


2M Public Service Net Mondays @ 7:30pm (145.410 MHz)

Our Backup Repeater is 146.505 MHz with a 131.8 PL Tone

and a plus 1 Meg offset

2M SkyWarn Net as weather conditions require (145.410 MHz)



Pittsburgh Area VHF Simplex Net on the first Friday of each month at 9pm on 146.520 FM 


75M Net, last Monday of the month immediately following the 2M net on 3.983kHz

Western Pa. DMR Net - Wednesdays at 7:30pm - DMR talkgroup 31422

2M Simplex Net Friday Oct 7th, 9PM 146.52 - more details to follow

Western area PEMA ACS/RACES Net Sunday mornings 9:00am on 3.990.5 khz

County Simplex Frequency


Our Repeaters

2-meter  145.410- 173.8 PL

EchoLink K3Qy-R node 393161

70cm - 440 443.975+ 173.8 PL

FCC License Testing Dates


Tests are scheduled for 2PM at the Armstrong Center for Community Learning.  Walk-ins welcome.

Join the CoCoRaHS Weather Observer and Reporter program.

Sign up for the new Armstrong County Alert System now